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Less Than Seven Days

It's getting close!  Less than seven days before I start this insane project of one post a day. Not sure where this will go, but I am committed to this.  I am still wrestling with whether or not I will post every day or just record every day and post once a week. Time will tell.  I predict I will start posting every day and with in a month or so I will discover that recording every day and posting once a week will be easier.

Check out the current videos.

Things That Work

Today I had the privilege of attending CHAMPs classroom management system sessions.  There are so many things I can use and will share with you as the year moves on.  Search up CHAMPs on line see what you can find.  It's worth a look.

Either way, this is going to be one crazy ride.

Remember, I enjoy learning with you, teaching with you and together we can take over the world.



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