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Long Time No Post

Well something had to give.  It was the blog.

I'm back, but with no promises except one.  I will post good stuff here when I post.  With that being said.

Here is a preview of topics to come in future videos about connecting students with the community in a meaningful way.  This is taken from a group of essays I wrote last year.  I hope you find it useful. 

As teachers it is our job to ensure that education transcends the classroom. There are as many ways to connect students and the community as there are teachers to teach them. When done successfully the impact on students is powerful.

In addition to, and through a subject's content Teachers should encourage and equip students to be their own educational advocate by being aware of and able to successfully navigate the educational landscape leading to their success.  Students who attend any class should learn the roles, function and purpose of administrators and counselors.  Rather than waiting for a teacher to take care of personal educational issues, students should be taught who to see when problems as simple as attendance records or complex as the appropriate educational path to graduation need attention. They are able to respectfully ask questions and seek the solutions they need to be successful.  

Teachers train students to know what is expected of them in each class and if they are unclear to ask the instructor appropriately. They begin learning how to carry and are expected to initiate adult level conversations with teachers, administrators, parents and each other. We should continually remind and model for students that teachers are just as human as they are and as such should be given the same courtesies and kindness that they as students expect. And in those instances when it is not received the student can serve as an example for the adult.  These skills, if nurtured throughout a student’s educational journey will produce a foundation for success in life.

There is a whole world out there!  Events occur every day outside of the school building that impact the students’ lives.  Because of the Small Learning Community structure we have in place on my campus, I am easily able keep up with subject matter in courses other than English and find ways to relate my current subject matter in English with the other classes.   Much of the curriculum in Freshman English can be tied to current events.  Teachers should seek out every opportunity to relate to these events, and specifically look for topics that touch the world they are familiar with, electronics and phone usage, net neutrality, laws and stories, News that breaks the myth of celebrity with its gossip, beliefs, and mindsets, also political events that have obvious connection to the lives of students


Teaching students to read and watch information with an eye for its validity and credibility is another skill that is foundational to success in this world.  This is modeled in my class every time a “fact” is offered as evidence in an essay or class discussion, the person bringing the fact will be asked how they learned, where they read it or how they learned the information being offered.  Any information read in lass is scrutinized for sources, author’s occupation and relation to the topic, and main message, even when that information comes from a textbook.



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