I have 15 informative videos banked for the year. I hope to have over 20 by August 14, when I go back to school. that way I am guaranteed to put one information video up a week in addition to what ever posting schedule I end up with doing the Vlog project. Those twenty videos will take me to Christmas Break. Then I have two weeks to make 20+ more for the rest of the year. Actually, if I play my cards right I will continue to create the occasional informative video throughout the first semester and then add what ever I create to the growing pool. This is my ongoing plan and commitment to seeing this project through. While I am only aiming for a year of Vlogging I plan on continuing to post solid helpful information for as long as a possibly can.
Just a little glimpse into the future. While doing these videos I have had friends and colleagues ask things like, "Don't students need tips for being successful too?" Keep an eye out around Thanksgiving break for Phase II of "Things That Work". This has been an awesome journey so far and there is a minimal risk on my part and 100% reward. I still review every video through the lens of "Would I have found this information valuable before I became a full-time teacher." I that question cannot be answered int he affirmative you will never see the video. This allows me to never feel guilty for sitting on and hoarding information that might be helpful to someone else.
If you have read this far, I truly appreciate it. You can also help get this information in front of more educators who are searching for methods, help, tips, and information simply by clicking the subscribe button on the Youtube channel, leaving a comment and giving it the video a 'thumbs up'. Those actions cause a video to rank higher in a search engine and as a result, it becomes more visible to more people who are looking for that type of information.
Until Next time
I enjoy Learning and Teaching with you and together we can take over the world.
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