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Found This!

I found this hand free writing exercise on a legal pad stuffed in a stack of old papers.  Not sure when It was written, but I wanted to share it with you.  The topic was, Why I teach.  we had about 10min to write.

Why I Teach...

Teaching Requires the individual to use all aspects of their knowledge, skill sets and creativity in order to successfully reach students and impart new knowledge and skills.  It is this holistic involvement of a person in the act of teaching that offers unique rewards not easily found in other occupations.

The use of personal skills and talents to shape the thought processes of others so they can achieve beyond their perceived potential is one of those unique benefits found in filling the role of "Teacher".

Young people have a limited view of their own capabilities . A teacher can open their eyes and push them beyond their shortsightedness revealing the extent of their potential and endless possibilities in life.  The initial limitations a student sees in their life are rarely true limitations and a Teacher will take them far beyond impossibilities they are constructing in their mind.

Facilitating this process has lasting benefits.  Students realize they are in control of what they do, how they react and how they meet life's many challenges.  Students take this new empowering perception with them and are able to change the world they live in, positively impact those they come in contact with and experience true success.

Chris George


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