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Showing posts from 2018

Dealing With Personal Crisis

Tomorrow is my first day back.  Anxiety is running high.  I have had some personal family drama that kept me up till 2:30 ish this morning, which has made it difficult to get into the right mindset for tomorrow. Crisis is a part of life.  We all face it, and if we want to be effective and successful with what we do we have to deal with the crises that come our way.  But what if the stress and anxiety build to the point you just cannot get your game on, you remain ineffective or slide into depression?  If you find yourself in this situation, go see a doctor.  Most likely your GP can help you out. Second, find someone to talk to.  do not slide into depression and then wallow in it alone.  That is simply a recipe for disaster.  It is also good to make a list of everything that is causing you stress, and then number them based on which is worse with number one being the worst.  this lets you see a visual representation of those challenge...

New year = New Beginnings

Yesterday I spent about 5 hours on my home campus working with new teachers.  It was an amazing day.  I love the energy at the beginning of the year.  Enthusiasm is high and it feels like I can do anything I put my mind to.  the awesome thing is that it is not just my enthusiasm.  It is almost 100% across all faculty and staff.  We are renewing work relationships and friendships, planning for classes and for the entire year, and the anticipation of the first day with students is firmly planted and growing. This is it.  It is GO time.  It is time to script the first day, readjust sleep schedules, and organize the classroom.  If you follow me on Google+   checkout the videos I will be highlighting over the next week or so.  They are specific to this time of year.  and may help you save some time and make some things a little easier for you. My anxiety level is high.  This year I plan on including you in my journey t...

Hello Friend

Hello friend! Back to school is getting closer every day.  I suggest you take a look at my back to school video  for teachers.   I have started waking up at night with a growing list of things I need to get done.  one of the top things on that list is purging my teacher stuff.  I will be making a video of the process starting Monday.  My goal is " least one box a day."  this will get me through most boxes before I go back on contract on August 13.  And since I wont be on my campus until August 20, I think I will be able to finish the task by then.  I will be sharing my "Purge rules".  I am looking forward to taking control of my stuff.  Also you can expect a video on dealing with power struggles, and a book review in the near future.  Thanks for staying with the project. chris

Commitment: More thoughts on "Doing What You are Good At".

Have you heard or used these phrases? It's all about the students.  Students are our top priority. Students first.  They are great phrases with an awesome sentiment.  If there is any real source of disillusionment for me as a teacher it comes from how these phrases are used or misused along with "You have to do what is best for you and your family." Understand, I agree 100% with all of these statements. Students and their needs are the number one thing, and a teacher must do what is best for their own well being and the well being of their family in order to truly meet the e needs of students. How often are these sentiments twisted simply to get out of an uncomfortable or difficult situation? One of the most extreme examples I have seen is a district moving an amazing classroom teacher during winter break from the classroom to central office for curriculum development. 140 students lost their connection and guide in the learning process half way through the school...

Do What You Are Good At.

Just recorded a vent session.  It is ironic that a person who dislikes change as much as I do is working in education.  One of the most frustrating things is watching people people move "up" from job to job without ever really mastering the tasks of their current job first.   No one seems to take the time to be come truly awesome at what they do before moving on to the next level or phase of their career.  The fault for this rapid rise approach to an education career does not rest fully on the individual.  District administrations tend to award a job well done with a promotion or move to another position, rather than offering incentive to stay where the person is the most effective. What if people were allowed to stay in a position long enough to master it and teach others who are just beginning the lessons and skills learned along the way? Instead we have conversations that in simplified terms goes something like this... "you are an awesome teacher...

Live Broadcast = Live Lessons

This past weekend I attempted a live broadcast.  Based on how easy it was the first two times I chose not to put in the prep time I had before.  (BIG MISTAKE) I knew better, but I thought I could do it.  I was wrong.  As a veteran of live theater i am well aware that many problems, sometimes the biggest problems don't show up until 15 - 30 minutes prior to going live. (if you are lucky).  such was the case Saturday.  I thought for sure that all was working fine.   nope. With out listing all of the challenges, it is safe to say, we succeeded in airing a broad cast for one hour as planned.  It was not an error free broadcast as before. I ended up taking the live feed and editing it so that it was watchable.  Even with the edits there are times when the video lags.  The sound stays solid, so the information remains intact. Check it out if you want, but keep your expectations low.  That way you are not disappointed. ...

Found This!

I found this hand free writing exercise on a legal pad stuffed in a stack of old papers.  Not sure when It was written, but I wanted to share it with you.  The topic was, Why I teach.  we had about 10min to write. Why I Teach... Teaching Requires the individual to use all aspects of their knowledge, skill sets and creativity in order to successfully reach students and impart new knowledge and skills.  It is this holistic involvement of a person in the act of teaching that offers unique rewards not easily found in other occupations. The use of personal skills and talents to shape the thought processes of others so they can achieve beyond their perceived potential is one of those unique benefits found in filling the role of "Teacher". Young people have a limited view of their own capabilities . A teacher can open their eyes and push them beyond their shortsightedness revealing the extent of their potential and endless possibilities in life.  The initial l...

Teacher Reflections 2018

Back up and running. Summer is a great time for reflecting.  Check out my process.