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Behind The Scenes

I keep mentioning how life is unfolding in my videos that focus on my struggle with anxiety and depression.  I thought I would share with those who were curious what that phrase actually meant.  Just prior to videoing the last installment (number 7)  of My Struggle with Anxiety and Depression: A Teachers Story I had a very difficult 72 hours.  My mother-in-law fell, who lives with us,  in the early morning hours. and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. A student who had become very much like family to me decided to keep a stash of weed in my classroom inside her purse.  On my way home I discovered my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer.  A friend of my son's tried to commit suicide in my house, she is better now.  And in the evening my mother had a stroke and is in the hospital on the same floor with my mother-in-law.  

Needless to say I am worn out.  My wife is exhausted and school just keeps moving forward  at a relentless pace.  When I talked about the main thing that keeps me going, I was and am very much practicing what I preach.  I know good things when I experience them and I make a point to live in the glow of those things as much and and as fully as possible do that when dark days like these happen, and they will always happen, I can remember the great feelings of the days int he past.

Keeping a physical list of achievements and events that have made me feel great helps a lot.  The Encouragement Wall I keep also helps.  I'm not going to lie.  It is hard to stay focused on the good things when so much is going on at the same time.

Life keeps rolling fast.  After one Chemo treatment my mother-in-law chose to go into hospice care on Thursday 6/13.  she passed away Friday morning 6/14.  I immediately began teaching summer school and I continue to feel detached from all that is happening around me.  It's like I'm just floating through all of this.  Summer school ends 6/27.  I will actually have break.  I just hope it is not a "break".  that is where I am for the moment. 

On the bright side my channel hit 340 subscribers.  I have over 40 scripts for future video projects.  Trying to be as productive as I can.

Managed to post a new video this past weekend...


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